Marković, Vanja M.

Credit Name
Marković, Vanja M.
Full Name
Marković, Vanja
Marković, V.
Marković, Vanja M.
Markovic, Vanja M.
Markovic, Vanja
Markovic, V.
Marković, Vanja M.
Markovic, Vanja M.
Markovic, Vanja
Markovic, V.
Working groups

Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | 27-Sep-2024 | Ecological potential and chemical status assessment: A Pannonian plain canal system case study (Serbia) | Novaković, B.; Čado, S.; Đurković, A.; Marković, Vanja ; Domanović, M.; Trajković, A.; Tatović, Anđelina ; Božanić, Milenka ; Živić, Ivana | M34 |
2 | 16-Sep-2024 | Freshwater crayfish in Serbia: Update on the distribution | Đuretanović, S.; Stojanović, Katarina ; Marković, Vanja ; Zorić, K.; Simović, P.; Živić, Ivana ; Simić, V. | M34 |
3 | 16-Sep-2024 | A contribution to the knowledge of the Branchiobdella species of the Balkan region | Roljić, R.; Atanacković, A.; Nikolić, Vera ; Marković, Vanja ; Zorić, K. | M33 |
4 | 16-Sep-2024 | Morphological variability and condition of introduced spiny-cheek crayfish populations occupying different habitats in Serbia | Roljić, R.; Nikolić, Vera ; Zorić, K.; Marković, Vanja | M33 |
5 | 16-Sep-2024 | Morphological variability among populations of Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) from central Balkan | Marković, Vanja ; Đuretanović, S.; Roljić, R.; Nikolić, Vera ; Zorić, K. | M33 |
6 | 13-Sep-2023 | Prilog poznavanju faune Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera i Trichoptera Orlove reke (Stara planina) | Božanić, Milenka ; Stojanović, K. ; Krizmanić, J. ; Marković, V. ; Jakovljević, O. ; Tatović, A. ; Živić, I. | M64 |
7 | 15-Oct-2022 | A new insight into the presence of five freshwater gastropod species considered as rare in Serbia | Gojšina, Vukašin ; Marković, Vanja ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara | M34 |
8 | 14-Sep-2022 | Prilog poznavanju faune Plecoptera Stare planine | Božanić, M. ; Stojanović, K. ; Marković, V. ; Živić, I. | M64 |
9 | 14-Sep-2022 | Cataclysta lemnata (linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) u Srbiji:jos jedna zanemarena vrsta? | Marković, V. ; Novaković, B.; Božanić, M. ; Stojanović, K. ; Tatović, A. ; Živić, I. | M64 |
10 | 14-Sep-2022 | Novi nalazi Trichoptera za faunu Srbije | Marković, V. ; Novaković, B.; Božanić, M. ; Stojanović, K. ; Tatović, A. ; Živić, I. | M64 |
11 | 21-Jun-2022 | Stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) in south-eastern Serbia: children knowledge survey. „EcoIst ’22“ | Marković, V. ; Zorić, K.; Ilić, M.; Đuretanović, S.; Smederevac-Lalić, M. | M33 |
12 | 21-Jun-2022 | Aquatic insects diversity in the part of Neretva river drainage (Bosnia and Herzegovina): preliminary results. „EcoIst ’22“ | Marković, Vanja ; Božanić, M. ; Arapović, O.; Gojšina, V.; Tatović, A. ; Stojanović, K. | M33 |
13 | 2022 | Pregled zajednice vodenih makroinvertebrata Zasavice u letnjem periodu 2021 | Marković, Vanja ; Božanić, Milenka ; Živić, Ivana | M64 |
14 | 2022 | Aquatic macroinvertebrates of smaller Pannonian watercourses. Neglected habitats worth of exploring? | Marković, V. ; Gojšina, Vukašin ; Karan-Žnidaršič, T. ; Božanić, M. ; Tatović, A. ; Stojanović, K. ; Živić, I. | M34 |
15 | 27-Sep-2017 | A valorisation of benthic invertebrate fauna of the Mlava River (Eastern Serbia) | Novaković, B.; Stojanović, Katarina ; Marković, Vanja ; Tatović, Anđelina ; Božanić, M.; Živić, Ivana | M34 |