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Marković, Vanja M.
Full Name
Marković, Vanja
Marković, V.
Marković, Vanja M.
Markovic, Vanja M.
Markovic, Vanja
Markovic, V.
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Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
127-Sep-2024Ecological potential and chemical status assessment: A Pannonian plain canal system case study (Serbia)Novaković, B.; Čado, S.; Đurković, A.; Marković, Vanja ; Domanović, M.; Trajković, A.; Tatović, Anđelina ; Božanić, Milenka ; Živić, Ivana M34
216-Sep-2024A contribution to the knowledge of the Branchiobdella species of the Balkan regionRoljić, R.; Atanacković, A.; Nikolić, Vera ; Marković, Vanja ; Zorić, K.M33
316-Sep-2024Morphological variability and condition of introduced spiny-cheek crayfish populations occupying different habitats in SerbiaRoljić, R.; Nikolić, Vera ; Zorić, K.; Marković, Vanja M33
416-Sep-2024Morphological variability among populations of Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) from central BalkanMarković, Vanja ; Đuretanović, S.; Roljić, R.; Nikolić, Vera ; Zorić, K.M33
516-Sep-2024Freshwater crayfish in Serbia: Update on the distributionĐuretanović, S.; Stojanović, Katarina ; Marković, Vanja ; Zorić, K.; Simović, P.; Živić, Ivana ; Simić, V.M34
613-Sep-2023Prilog poznavanju faune Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera i Trichoptera Orlove reke (Stara planina)Božanić, Milenka ; Stojanović, K. ; Krizmanić, J. ; Marković, V. ; Jakovljević, O. ; Tatović, A. ; Živić, I. M64
715-Oct-2022A new insight into the presence of five freshwater gastropod species considered as rare in SerbiaGojšina, Vukašin ; Marković, Vanja ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara M34
814-Sep-2022Prilog poznavanju faune Plecoptera Stare planineBožanić, M. ; Stojanović, K. ; Marković, V. ; Živić, I. M64
914-Sep-2022Cataclysta lemnata (linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) u Srbiji:jos jedna zanemarena vrsta?Marković, V. ; Novaković, B.; Božanić, M. ; Stojanović, K. ; Tatović, A. ; Živić, I. M64
1014-Sep-2022Novi nalazi Trichoptera za faunu SrbijeMarković, V. ; Novaković, B.; Božanić, M. ; Stojanović, K. ; Tatović, A. ; Živić, I. M64
1121-Jun-2022Stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) in south-eastern Serbia: children knowledge survey. „EcoIst ’22“Marković, V. ; Zorić, K.; Ilić, M.; Đuretanović, S.; Smederevac-Lalić, M.M33
1221-Jun-2022Aquatic insects diversity in the part of Neretva river drainage (Bosnia and Herzegovina): preliminary results. „EcoIst ’22“Marković, Vanja ; Božanić, M. ; Arapović, O.; Gojšina, V.; Tatović, A. ; Stojanović, K. M33
132022Pregled zajednice vodenih makroinvertebrata Zasavice u letnjem periodu 2021Marković, Vanja ; Božanić, Milenka ; Živić, Ivana M64
142022Aquatic macroinvertebrates of smaller Pannonian watercourses. Neglected habitats worth of exploring?Marković, V. ; Gojšina, Vukašin ; Karan-Žnidaršič, T. ; Božanić, M. ; Tatović, A. ; Stojanović, K. ; Živić, I. M34
1527-Sep-2017A valorisation of benthic invertebrate fauna of the Mlava River (Eastern Serbia)Novaković, B.; Stojanović, Katarina ; Marković, Vanja ; Tatović, Anđelina ; Božanić, M.; Živić, Ivana M34