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Golubović, Ana
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Results 51-75 of 83 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
5120-Mar-2016A prison effect in a wild population: a scarcity of females induces homosexual behaviors in malesBonnet, Xavier; Golubović, Ana ; Arsovski, Dragan; Đorđević, Sonja ; Ballouard, Jean-Marie; Sterijovski, Bogoljub; Ajtić, Rastko; Barbraud, Christophe; Tomović, Ljiljana 
52Mar-2016Shell is not enough anymore - Rufford finance gathering of crucial data for conservation of Chelonians in SerbiaGolubović, Ana 
532016Free climbing turtle, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) – vertical obstacles as a limitation for movementGolubović, Ana ; Popović, Miloš
542016Sexual dimorphism and allometry of sand lizards from Bistra mt., FYR Macedonia – Preliminary resultsAnđelković, Marko; Urošević, Aleksandar; Golubović, Ana ; Nikolić, Sonja ; Tomović, Ljiljana 
5519-Aug-2015Results of project of DNA sampling of Emys orbicularis in Serbia – conservation issuesTomović, Ljiljana ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Đorđević, Sonja ; Golubović, Ana M34
56Aug-2015Distribution and conservation of the European pond turtle in Serbia: presentation of the Rufford project resultsGolubović, Ana 
576-May-2015Ontogenetic shift of antipredator behaviour in Hermann’s tortoisesGolubović, Ana 
58Apr-2015Contribution to the knowledge of distribution and diversity of lacertid lizards in SerbiaUrošević, Aleksandar; Ljubisavljević, Katarina; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Krizmanić, Imre ; Ajtić, Rastko; Simović, Aleksandar; Labus, Nenad; Jovic, Danko; Golubović, Ana ; Andjelković, Marko; Džukić, GeorgM24
591-Jan-2015Updated distribution of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) and its conservation issues in SerbiaKrizmanić, Imre ; Urošević, Aleksandar; Simović, Aleksandar; Krstić, Milivoj; Jović, Danko; Ajtić, Rastko; Andelković, Marko; Slijepčević, Maja; Đorđević, Sonja ; Golubović, Ana ; Žikić, Vladimir; Džukić, GeorgM23
601-Jan-2015Effects of fires and roadkills on the isolated population of Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 (Reptilia: Testudinidae) in central MontenegroVujović, Ana; Iković, Vuk; Golubović, Ana ; Đorđević, Sonja ; Pešić, Vladimir; Tomović, Ljiljana 
611-Jan-2015Geometry of self righting: The case of Hermann's tortoisesGolubović, Ana ; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Ivanović, Ana 
621-Jan-2015Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Colubrid snakes in SerbiaTomović, Ljiljana ; Urošević, Aleksandar; Ajtić, Rastko; Krizmanić, Imre ; Simović, Aleksandar; Labus, Nenad; Jović, Danko; Krstić, Milivoj; Đorđević, Sonja ; Anđelković, Marko; Golubović, Ana ; Džukić, GeorgM24
631-Jan-2015Filling in the gaps in distribution data of the Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron and Bory, 1833 (Squamata: Scincidae) in SerbiaLjubisavljević, Katarina; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Simović, Aleksandar; Krizmanić, Imre ; Ajtić, Rastko; Jović, Danko; Urošević, Aleksandar; Labus, Nenad; Đorđević, Sonja ; Golubović, Ana ; Andelković, Marko; Džukić, GeorgM24
642015“I was a Ninja at your age” said an elderly tortoise to a hatchling – ontogeny shift in agilityGolubović, Ana 
652015Brilliant, we seized a huge shipment! But now what?!Đorđević, Sonja ; Golubović, Ana 
661-Oct-2014Skills or strength—how tortoises cope with dense vegetation?Golubović, Ana ; Andjelković, Marko; Arsovski, Dragan; Vujović, Ana; Iković, Vuk; Djordjević, Sonja ; Tomović, Ljiljana 
67May-2014Stuck with rigid armour in a jungle of grass and shrubs? How do tortoises manage?Golubović, Ana ; Tomović, Ljiljana 
681-Jan-2014Two fangs good, a hundred legs better: Juvenile viper devoured by an adult centipede it had ingestedArsovski, Dragan; Ajtic, Rastko; Golubović, Ana ; Trajceska, Ivona; Đorđević, Sonja ; Anđelkovic, Marko; Bonnet, Xavier; Tomović, Ljiljana 
691-Sep-2013Variations in righting behaviour across Hermann's tortoise populationsGolubović, Ana ; Bonnet, Xavier; Djordjević, Sonja ; Djurakic, Marko; Tomović, Ljiljana 
70Sep-2013Distribution and conservation of Hermann's tortoise in Serbia: presentation of the Rufford project resultsGolubović, Ana 
71Sep-2013Habitat configuration and vegetation cover shapes locomotor abilities in tortoises: implications for conservation managementGolubović, Ana ; Tomović, Ljiljana 
72Sep-2013Where do ninja tortoise live – Agility variation in Hermann’s torotisesGolubović, Ana ; Arsovski, Dragan; Tomović, Ljiljana 
731-May-2013Unexpected life history traits in a very dense population of dice snakesAjtić, Rastko; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Sterijovski, Bogoljub; Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka; Djordjević, Sonja ; Djurakić, Marko; Golubović, Ana ; Simović, Aleksandar; Arsovski, Dragan; Andjelković, Marko; Krstić, Milivoj; Šukalo, Goran; Gvozdenović, Sladjana; Aïdam, Aurelie; Michel, Catherine Louise; Ballouard, Jean Marie; Bonnet, Xavier
741-Apr-2013Moving in the real world: Tortoises take the plunge to cross steep stepsGolubović, Ana ; Arsovski, Dragan; Ajtić, Rastko; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Bonnet, Xavier
751-Apr-2013Geographic (in-)variability of gender-specific traits in Hermann's tortoiseĐorđević, Sonja ; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Golubović, Ana ; Simović, Aleksandar; Sterijovski, Bogoljub; Djurakić, Marko; Bonnet, Xavier