| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank |
1 | 14-Oct-2023 | Anthroleucosomatidae (Myriapoda, Diplopoda, Chordeumatida) Balkanskog poluostrva: pregled „Bulgarosoma“ kompleksa rodova | Šević, Mirko ; Antić, Dragan ; Makarov, Slobodan | M64 |
2 | 14-Oct-2023 | Speleološki objekti klisure reke Ribnice: biodiverzitet, značaj, ugroženost | Šević, M. ; Vujić, M.; Gojšina, V. ; Antić, D. ; Stojanović, D. ; Makarov, S. | M64 |
3 | 7-Aug-2023 | Adaptive evolution in caves: a review of hydrophilous cave millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) with modified mouthparts | Antić, Dragan ; Enghoff, H.; Akkari, N. | M34 |
4 | 7-Aug-2023 | Into the dark – the chemical repertoire of troglobiotic millipedes of the genus Leucogeorgia Verhoeff, 1930 | Bodner, M.; Raspotnig, G.; Makarov, Slobodan ; Antić, Dragan | M34 |
5 | 7-Aug-2023 | Strong odour – well protected? The strange case of ketones in the defensive secretion of Pachyiulinine millipedes (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae) | Antić, Dragan ; Bodner, Michaela; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Krstić, Gordana; Anderl, Felix; Raspotnig, Günther; Vagalinski, Boyan; Evsyukov, Aleksandr; Jovanović, Zvezdana ; Lučić, Luka ; Makarov, Slobodan | M34 |
6 | 16-Jun-2023 | Diversity of troglobiotic millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) in the Caucasus | Antić, Dragan | M32 |
7 | 21-Oct-2022 | The cavernicolous Diplopoda (Arthropoda, Myriapoda) of Serbia. In: Marković, S.B. & Stevanović, Z. (Eds.), Karst 2022: Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilisation and Protection of Resources in Karst, Belgrade | Antić, D. ; Makarov, S. | M63 |
8 | 14-Sep-2022 | Himantarium gabrielis (Linnaeus, 1767) – nova vrsta u fauni Srbije | Stojanović, D. ; Šević, M.; Antić, D. | M64 |
9 | 9-Apr-2022 | A review of the cavernicolous millipedes (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) from the Caucasus. In: Delić, T., Kos, A., Premate, E., Rexhepi, B. & Zagmajster, M. (Eds.) | Antić, D. ; Turbanov, I. | M34 |
10 | 2022 | Fauna hilopoda(Arthropoda: Myriapoda) specijalnog rezervata prirode „Zasavica“ | Stojanović, D. ; Stanković, M.; Šćiban, M.; Šević, M. ; Antić, D. | M61 |
11 | 2022 | Fauna diplopoda (Arthropoda: Myriapoda) specijalnog rezervata prirode „Zasavica” | Šević, M. ; Stojanović, D. ; Stanković, M.; Šćiban, M.; Antić, D. | M61 |
12 | 18-Nov-2020 | Field-sampling based inventories of invertebrates (Arthropoda and Mollusca) from caves in west Black Sea Region of Turkey | Elverici, M.; Kunt, K. B.; Gümüş, B. A.; Stojanović, D. ; Antić, D. ; Fidan, E. C.; Kurt, K.; Bulut, M. E.; Taylan, M. S.; Hekimoğlu, O.; Anlaş, S.; Demiriz, H. U.; Kulaksızoğlu, E.; Çankaya, E. | M34 |
13 | 3-Nov-2019 | Novi nalazi pećinskih trčuljaka (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae) iz istočne Srbije | Vesović, Nikola ; Pavićević, Dragan; Vrbica, Maja ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Popović, Momčilo; Antić, Dragan ; Stojanović, Dejan; Rađa, Tonći; Ćurčić, Srećko | M64 |
14 | Nov-2019 | Nakon pola veka – potvrda prisustva troglobiontne stonoge Lithobius (Lithobius) lakatnicensis Verhoeff, 1926 (Myriapoda: Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) u Srbiji | Stojanović, Dalibor ; Antić, Dragan ; Stoev, Pavel | M64 |
15 | Nov-2019 | Novi nalazi pećinskih trčuljaka (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae) iz istočne Srbije | Vesović, Nikola ; Pavićević, Dragan; Vrbica, Maja ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Popović, Momčilo; Antić, Dragan ; Stojanović, Dejan; Rađa, Tonći; Ćurčić, Srećko | |
16 | Nov-2019 | Balkansko poluostrvo – jedan od najvećih biodiverzitetskih „hotspotova” troglobiontnih diplopoda na svetu (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) | Antić, Dragan ; Makarov, Slobodan | M64 |
17 | 19-Oct-2019 | New subterranean leptodirine leiodid beetle (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) taxa from the Dinarides | Ćurčić, Srećko ; Vesović, Nikola ; Pavićević, Dragan; Mulaomerović, Jasminko; Antić, Dragan ; Bosco, Fabrizio; Marković, Đorđe; Petković, Matija; Rađa, Tonći | |
18 | 19-Oct-2019 | New subterranean leptodirine leiodid beetle (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) taxa from the Dinarides | Ćurčić, Srećko ; Vesović, Nikola ; Pavićević, Dragan; Mulaomerović, Jasminko; Antić, Dragan ; Bosco, F; Marković, Đorđe; Petković, Matija; Rađa, Tonći | M34 |
19 | 19-Oct-2019 | The Balkan Peninsula – one of the world's major hotspots of troglobitic millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) | Antić, Dragan ; Makarov, Slobodan | M34 |
20 | 19-Oct-2019 | Lithobius (L.) lapidicola Meinert, 1872 (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae) – the most common troglophilic centipede from southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina | Stojanović, Dalibor ; Antić, Dragan ; Komarički, A. | M34 |
21 | Oct-2019 | The Balkan Peninsula –one of the world's major hotspots of troglobitic millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) | Antić, Dragan ; Makarov, Slobodan | |
22 | Aug-2019 | The juliform millipedes of Caucasian caves: Archileucogeorgia/Leucogeorgia (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae) – a forgotten group of diplopods | Reip H. S.; Antić, Dragan | M34 |
23 | Aug-2019 | Chemical characterization of the defensive secretions of some members of the order Spirostreptida (Diplopoda, Juliformia) | Makarov, Slobodan ; Mwabvu, T; Bodner, M.; Antić, Dragan ; Lučić, Luka ; Raspotnig, Gunther | M34 |
24 | Aug-2019 | A review of cave-dwelling millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) in the Balkan Peninsula | Antić, Dragan ; Makarov, Slobodan | M34 |
25 | 2019 | Blind species of the genus Lithobius Leach, 1814 (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae) from Southeast Europe | Stojanović, Dalibor ; Komerički, A; Stoev, Pavel; Antić, Dragan | M34 |