| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank |
51 | 16-Sep-2007 | Effect of cultivation conditions on biomass and polysaccharides production by Ganoderma lucidum | Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Ćilerdžić, Jasmina | M34 |
52 | 16-Sep-2007 | Production of laccase and Mn-oxidizing peroxidases by Ganoderma lucidum under solid-state fermentation of different agricultural residues | Vukojević, Jelena ; Stajić, Mirjana ; Ćilerdžić, Jasmina ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | |
78 | 2007 | Effect of different nitrogen sources and concentrations, and medium pH on the production of laccase and Mn-oxidizing peroxidases by Ganoderma lucidum | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić-Laušević, Sonja | M34 |
29 | 2007 | Effect of diffrent nitrogen sources and concentrations, and medium pH on the production of laccase and Mn-oxidizing peroxidases by Ganoderma lucidum | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | |
30 | 2007 | Production of laccase and Mn-oxidizing peroxidases by Ganoderma lucidum during solid-state fermentation of different agricultural residues | Vukojević, J. ; Stajić, M. ; Ćilerdžić, J. ; Duletić-Laušević, S. | M34 |
31 | 2007 | Characterization of Ganoderma lucidum ligninolytic enzymes produced in solid culture with different nitrogen sources | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić-Laušević, Sonja | M34 |
32 | 21-Aug-2006 | Ligninolytic enzyme production in Pleurotus ostreatus depending on the medium composition and cultivation conditions | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Wasser, P.S.; Nevo, E.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | M34 |
8 | 21-Aug-2006 | Effect of the medium pH and cultivation period on mycelial biomass, polysaccharide and ligninolytic enzymes production by Ganoderma lucidum | Vukojević, Jelena ; Stajić, Mirjana ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | M34 |
9 | 20-Jun-2005 | Coremiopleurotus representatives determined by morpho-physiological and RAPD analysis | Stajić, Mirjana ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena | M34 |
10 | 8-Apr-2005 | Media composition influences the ability of Ganoderma lucidum mycelium to absorb selenium | Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Stajić, Mirjana ; Brčeski, I.; Vukojević, Jelena | M34 |
11 | 2005 | Effect of selenium source on selenium absorption by mycelia of nine Pleurotus ostreatus strains | Stajić, Mirjana ; Brčeski, I.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Wasser, S.P.; Nevo, E. | M33 |
12 | 2005 | Ability of selenium absorption by mycelia of Pleurotus eryngii, depending on selenium source in medium | Stajić, Mirjana ; Brčeski, I.; Wasser, S.; Nevo, E.; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | M34 |
13 | 2005 | Media compostiton influenced the ability of selenium absorption by Ganoderma lucidum mycelium | Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Stajić, Mirjana ; Brčeski, I.; Vukojević, Jelena | |
14 | 2005 | Influence of selected microelements on the laccase and peroxidases production in Pleurotus eryngii in submerged cultures | Stajić, Mirjana ; Persky, L.; Hadar, Y.; Friesem, D.; Wasser, S.; Nevo, E; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Vukojević, Jelena | M34 |
15 | 2005 | Ability of selenium absorption by mycelia of nine Pleurotus ostreatus strains depending on selenium source | Stajić, M. ; Brčeski, I.; Wasser, S. P.; Nevo, E. | M34 |
16 | 2003 | Screening of activity of three ligninolytic enzyme from strains of Pleurotus ostreatus on two different media | Stajić, Mirjana ; Persky, L.; Cohen, E.; Hadar, Y.; Wasser, S. P.; Nevo, E. | M34 |
17 | 20-Feb-2002 | Mycelial growth of two strains of Pleurotus ostreatus on the selenium-enriched media | Stajić, Mirjana ; Brčeski, I.; Vukojević, Jelena ; \ermanović, T; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Milenković, I. | |
18 | 20-Feb-2002 | Mycelial growth of Ganoderma lucidum on a selenium-enriched media | Stajić, M. ; Brčeski, I.; Duletić-Laušević, S. ; Đermanović, V. T.; Vukojević, J. ; Milenković, I. | M33 |
19 | 20-Feb-2002 | Mycelial growth of Ganoderma lucidum on the selenium-enriched media | Stajić, Mirjana ; Brčeski, I.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Đermanović, T.; Vukojević, Jelena ; Milenković, I. | |
20 | 20-Feb-2002 | Mycelial growth of two strains of Pleurotus ostreatus on a selenium enriched media | Vukojević, J. ; Stajić, M. ; Đujić, I.; Đermanović, T.V.; Cvetković, D. ; Brčeski, I.; Duletić-Laušević, S. ; Milenković, I. | M34 |
21 | 2002 | Mycelial growth of Ganoderma lucidum and Pleurotus ostreatus on the selenium-enriched media | Stajić, Mirjana ; Brčeski, I.; Ker`lin, M.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | M34 |
22 | 14-Sep-2001 | Mycelial growth of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Kumm and Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing. On selenium-enriched media | Stajić, Mirjana ; Milenković, I.; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | M34 |
23 | 19-Sep-2000 | Građa stroma Phomopsis helianthi i Phoma macdonaldii obrazovanih in vitro | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | |
24 | 2000 | The stromatal structures of Phomopsis helianthi and Phoma macdonaldii formed in vitro | Stajić, M. ; Vukojević, J. ; Duletić-Laušević, S. | M34 |
25 | 5-Oct-1999 | Presence of Phomopsis helianthi and Phoma macdonaldii pycnidia on sunflower seed | Stajić, Mirjana ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja | M34 |