Chair of Cell and Tissue Biology
Organization name
Chair of Cell and Tissue Biology
OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)
Date issued
- 155 2020 - 2025
- 226 2010 - 2019
- 95 2000 - 2009
- 51 1990 - 1999
- 203 Article
- 20 Journal Article
- 11 Book
- 3 Other
- 1 Research Article
- 228 No Fulltext
- 10 With Fulltext
Results 501-527 of 527 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
501 | 1997 | HSP70 level and polymorphism in the rat liver after heat stress | Matić, G. ; Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Kipić, J.; Trajković, D. | M34 |
502 | 1997 | Nesdonal induces Hsp70 and affects glucocorticoid receptor in the rat liver | Trajković, D.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Damjanović, S.; Dundjerski, J.; Matić, Gordana | |
503 | 1997 | Ultrastructural and morphometric analysis of rat brown adipocytes after short-term sucrose consumption | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Koko, V.; Davidović, V.; Radovanović, J. | |
504 | 1996 | Hyperthermic stress affects glucocorticoid-receptor-mediated transcription in rat liver | Vidović, S.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana | |
505 | 1996 | Atipična preostala tela u gonadotropnim ćelijama pars distalis mrmoljka Triturus vulgaris dalmaticus | Šerban, N. M.; Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
506 | 1996 | The influence of sucrose and corticosterone on the catalase activity and ultrastructure of rat interscapular brown adipose tissue | Davidović, V.; Radovanović, J.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Radojičić, R.; Cvijić, G. | |
507 | 1996 | Uticaj dijetom indukovane termogeneze na ultrastrukturne odlike mitohondrija mrkog masnog tkiva | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Koko, V.; Davidović, V. | |
508 | 1996 | Endocrine cells in rat pancreas and stomach after chronic ethanol consumption | Todorović, V.; Koko, V.; Lačković, V.; Glišić, R.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Micev, M. | |
509 | 1996 | Metallothionein response to heat shock in rat skin: Effect of antioxidants pretreatment | Korać, B. ; Matić, G. ; Čvoro, A. ; Buzadzić, B.; Saičić, Z.S.; Dundjerski, J. | M34 |
510 | 1996 | Prolaktinske ćelije hipofize ženki pacova tretiranih deksametazonom | Hristić, M.; Kalafatić, D.; Škaro-Milić, A.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Koko, V. | |
511 | 1996 | Learning in Drosophila melanogaster. The influence on genetic structure | Milošević, N.; Kekić, V.; Pavković-Lučić, S. ; Čvoro, A. | M64 |
512 | 19-Sep-1995 | Sexual selection in 𝘋𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 under laboratory and field conditions | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Pavković Lučić, Sofija ; Milošević, N.; Kekić, V. | M34 |
513 | 1-Jan-1995 | Rat pancreatic B-cells after chronic alcohol feeding. A morphometric and fine structural study | Koko, V.; Todorovic, V.; Nikolic, J. A.; Glisic, R.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Lackovic, V.; Petronijevic, L.; Stojkovic, M.; Varagic, J.; Janic, B.; Radovanovic, J.; Laban, A. | |
514 | 1995 | Stereological analysis of rat endocrine pancreas after chronic alcohol feeding | Koko, V.; Todorović, V.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Glišić, R.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Varagić, J.; Bajčetić, M.; Radovanović, J. | |
515 | 1995 | Tyrosine aminotransferase activity in liver of rats exposed to hyperthermic stress | Matić, G. ; Vidović, S.; Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D. | M34 |
516 | 1995 | Морфолошке промене митохондрија мрког масног ткива пацова под деловањем кортикостерона и сахарозе | Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
517 | 1995 | The induction of HSP70 in the rat liver by whole body hyperthermia | Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Kipić, J.; Trajkovićc, D.; Matić, G. | M34 |
518 | 8-Jun-1994 | Učenje kod Drosophila melanogaster: uticaj na genetičku strukturu | Milošević, N.; Kekić, V.; Pavković Lučić, Sofija ; Čvoro, Aleksandra | M64 |
519 | 8-Jun-1994 | Seksualna selekcija i veličina tela kod 𝘋𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 | Kekić, V.; Pavković Lučić, Sofija ; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; N. Milošević | M64 |
520 | 1994 | Rat antral G-cells after chronic athanol feeding. A morphometric and fine structural study | Todorović, V.; Koko, V.; Lačković, V.; Janić, B.; Micev, M.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Varagić, J. | |
521 | 1994 | Histological changes in the rat exocrine pancreas due to different levels of sunflower oil in the diet | Koko, V.; Glišić, R.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Radovanović, J.; Ristić, V.; Laban, A.; Stojšić, Z. | |
522 | 1994 | The influence of corticosterone and sucrose on the catalase activity and ultrastructure of the rat interscapular brown adipose tissue | Davidović V.; Radovanović J.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Radojičić R.; Cvijić G. | |
523 | 17-Nov-1993 | Veličina tela i uspešnost u parenju kod Drosophila melanogaster u laboratorijskim uslovima | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Pavković Lučić, Sofija ; Milošević, N.; Kekić, V. | M64 |
524 | 1993 | Stereological analysis of the rat endocrine pancreas after chronic alcohol feeding | Koko, V.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Glišić, R.; Todorović, V.; Varagić, J.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Bajčetić, M. | |
525 | 1993 | Efekat hroničnog unošenja alkohola na endokrini pankreas pacova. Morfometrijska ispitivanja | Petronijević, Lj.; Koko, V.; Todorović, V.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Glišić, R.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Bajčetić, M. | |
526 | 1992 | Morfološke promene mitohondrija mrkog masnog tkiva pod delovanjem Ca-SANDOZ-a | Radovanović, J.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
527 | 1992 | Langerhansova ostrvca u eksperimentalnom hroničnom alkoholizmu | Koko, V.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Glišić, R.; Todorović, V.; Varagić, J.; Burazor, M.; Lačković, V.; Radovanović, J. |