Chair of Animal Development

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Chair of Animal Development

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 51-100 of 411 (Search time: 0.018 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
5112-Oct-2022Locomotor activity and related morphological traits in three millipede species (Diplopoda: Julida)Vujić, V. ; Jovanović, Z. ; Pavković-Lučić, S. ; Petković, B.; Savić, T.; Lučić, L. ; Ilić, B. M34
5212-Oct-2022A record of phoretic association between mite Trichouropoda querceti Hirschmann, 1972 (Acari: Mesostigmata: Trematuridae) and centipede Lithobius forficatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae) from North MacedoniaJovanović, Z. ; Stojanović, D. ; Milovanović, J. ; Ilić, B. ; Vujić, V. ; Dudić, B. ; Makarov, S. M34
5312-Oct-2022Postembryonic development in Megaphyllum bosniense (Verhoeff, 1897) (Diplopoda, Julida)Milovanović, J. ; Vujić, V. ; Dudić, B. ; Tomić, V. ; Jovanović, Z. ; Makarov, S. ; Ilić, B. M34
5412-Oct-2022Microstructural organization of adhesive pads in Apfelbeckia insculpta (L. Koch, 1867) (Diplopoda, Callipodida)Ilić, B. ; Vujić, V. ; Milovanović, J. ; Jovanović, Z. ; Stojanović, D. ; Tomić, Vladimir ; Makarov, S. M34
5523-Sep-2022Diverzitet pečinske faune u SrbijiMakarov, S. ; Stojanović, D. M61
5621-Sep-2022Citotoksični potencijal estara linoleinske kiseline detektovanih u odbrambenim sekretima stoniga Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida)Milovanović, Jelena ; Ilić, B. ; Radulović, N.; Mladenović, M.; Makarov, S. ; Divac Rankov, S.M64
5721-Sep-2022Promene aktivnosti antioksidativnog sistema tokom razvića stonoge Scolopendra cingulata (Chilopoda)Borković-Mitić, S.; Mitić, B. ; Stojanović, Dalibor ; Pavlović, S.M64
5814-Sep-2022Citotoksični potencijal ekstrakata i odabranih estara iz odbrambenih sekreta vrsta Megaphyllum bosniense i M. unilineatum (Diplopoda: Julida) prema ćelijama raka debelog crevaMilovanović, J. ; Ilić, B. ; Radulović, N.; Mladenović, M.; Novaković, I.; Makarov, S. ; Divac Rankov, A.M64
5914-Sep-2022Himantarium gabrielis (Linnaeus, 1767) – nova vrsta u fauni SrbijeStojanović, D. ; Šević, M.; Antić, D. M64
6014-Sep-2022Novi podzemni taksoni tvrdokrilaca (Coleoptera: Leiodidae, Carabidae) iz zapadne SrbijeĆurčić, S. ; Vesović, N. ; Pavićević, D.; Vrbica, M. ; Kuraica, M.; Marković, Đ.; Petković, M.; Lazović, V.; Pantelić, D.; Ćurčić, N. B.; Bosco, F.M64
6114-Sep-2022Postembrionalno razviće vrste Cylindroiulus boleti (C. L. Koch, 1847) (Diplopoda: Julida)Milovanović, J. ; Dudić, B. ; Vujić, V. ; Jovanović, Z. ; Tomić, V. ; Makarov, S. ; Ilić, B. M64
628-Sep-2022Presence of morphological integration and modularity of the forcipular apparatus in Lithobius melanops (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae)Vujić, Vukica ; Ilić, Bojan ; Lučić, Luka ; Jovanović, Zvezdana ; Milovanović, Jelena ; Dudić, Boris ; Stojanović, Dalibor M22
16314-Jul-2022Dazbogosoma mokoshae, a new cavernicolous species of the previously monospecific genus Dazbogosoma Makarov & Ćurčić, 2012, from Serbia (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Anthroleucosomatidae)Šević, M. ; Antić, D. ; Stojanović, D. ; Makarov, S. M23
16416-Jun-2022Metal and metalloid bioaccumulation in three centipedes (Chilopoda)Mitić, Bojan ; Borković-Mitić, Slavica; Stojsavljević, Aleksandar; Stojanović, Dalibor ; Pavlović, Slađan; Vasiljević, Ljubica; Ristić, NatašaM23
1658-Jun-2022Morphology and mating behaviour in the millipede Megaphyllum unilineatum (C. L. Koch, 1838) (Myriapoda, Diplopoda, Julida) under laboratory conditionsVujić, V. ; Milovanović, J. ; Jovanović, Z. ; Dudić, B. ; Makarov, S. ; Pavković-Lučić, S. ; Ilić, B. M21
16613-May-2022Review of the genus Caucaseuma Strasser, 1970, with the description of a new cavernicolous species from the Western Caucasus and an updated key and distribution (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Anthroleucosomatidae)Antić, Dragan ; Makarov, Slobodan M22
16719-Apr-2022A review of the cavernicolous Trichopolydesmidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) from the Carpathian-Balkan arch and the Rhodope Mountains, with descriptions of two new genera and three new speciesAntić, Dragan ; Vagalinski, Boyan; Stoev, Pavel; Akkari, NesrineM22
1689-Apr-2022A review of the cavernicolous millipedes (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) from the Caucasus. In: Delić, T., Kos, A., Premate, E., Rexhepi, B. & Zagmajster, M. (Eds.)Antić, D. ; Turbanov, I.M34
1699-Apr-2022Eupolybothrus (Parapolybothrus) herzegowinensis (Verhoeff, 1900), a poorly-known Dinaric centipede (Myriapoda: Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha)Stojanović, D. ; Rađa, T.M34
1709-Apr-2022Centipedes (Chilopoda) from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the collection of the Museum für Naturkunde BerlinMitić, B. ; Ašćerić D.M34
1716-Mar-2022Morfološke i ultrastrukturne odlike odbrambenih žlezda vrste Apfelbeckia insculpta (L. Koch, 1867) (Diplopoda: Callipodida). Istorija histologije i savremena histologija – nova saznanja i kontroverzeIlić, B. M62
17228-Feb-2022The mostly cavernicolous millipede genus Stygiiulus Verhoeff, 1929, stat. nov.: taxonomy, distribution and phylogenetic relationships (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae)VAGALINSKI, Boyan; BORISSOV, Simeon; BOBEVA, Aneliya; CANCIANI, Giacomo; Antić, Dragan M22
17325-Feb-2022Spiders and Organophosphate PesticidesDudić, Boris 
1743-Feb-2022Skriveno bogatstvo podzemlja – pećinski beskičmenjaci SrbijeĆurčić, Srećko ; Vesović, Nikola ; Antić, Dragan ; Petković, Matija; Dimitrijević, Rajko M47
17526-Jan-2022Two new species of the previously monospecific genus Guipuzcosoma Vicente & Mauriès, 1980 from Spain, with establishment of Guipuzcosomatidae fam. nov. (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida)Antić, Dragan ; Mauriès, Jean-PaulM23
17612-Jan-2022"Scent of a fruit fly": Cuticular chemoprofiles after mating in differently fed 𝘋𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 (Diptera: Drosophilidae) strainsPavković-Lučić, Sofija ; Trajković, Jelena ; Miličić, Dragana ; Anđelković, Boban; Lučić, Luka ; Savić, Tatjana; Vujisić, LjubodragM21
1772022Fauna hilopoda(Arthropoda: Myriapoda) specijalnog rezervata prirode „Zasavica“Stojanović, D. ; Stanković, M.; Šćiban, M.; Šević, M. ; Antić, D. M61
1782022Fauna diplopoda (Arthropoda: Myriapoda) specijalnog rezervata prirode „Zasavica”Šević, M. ; Stojanović, D. ; Stanković, M.; Šćiban, M.; Antić, D. M61
292022Maurieseuma, a new genus to accommodate Hylebainosoma nontronense Mauriès & Kime, 1999, and the revalidation of the genus Romanosoma Mauriès, 2015 (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Haaseidae)Antić, Dragan ; Spelda, Jorg.M23
302022An unexpected new cave-dwelling species of the genus Leucogeorgia Verhoeff, 1930 (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae) from the Chechen Republic, Caucasus, RussiaAntić, Dragan ; Turbanov, Ilya S.M23
3110-Dec-2021A new species of Leonhardia Reitter, 1901 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Leptodirini) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a key to species of the genusĆurčić, Srećko ; Vesović, Nikola ; Vrbica, Maja ; Popović, Slađana ; Radovanović, Željko; Ćurčić, Nina B.; Rađa,TonćiM22
321-Dec-2021On the diversity of subterranean beetles of the Dinarides: new leiodid taxa (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) from SerbiaĆurčić, Srećko ; Pavićević, Dragan; Vesović, Nikola ; Vrbica, Maja ; Kuraica, Miloš; Marković, Đorđe; Petković, Matija; Lazović, Vladimir; Pantelić, Dejan; Bosco, FabrizioM22
3325-Nov-2021Do the shape and size of the forcipular apparatus significantly differ between sexes in centipede 𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴 Newport, 1845 (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae)?Vujić, V. ; Pavković-Lučić, S. ; Ilić, B. ; Jovanović, Z. ; Milovanović, J. ; Dudić, B. ; Stojanović, D. M34
3425-Nov-2021Acute toxicity assessment of defense secretions of Megaphyllum bosniense (Verhoeff, 1897) and M. unilineatum (C. L. Koch, 1838) (Diplopoda, Julida) on Artemia salinaMilovanović, J. ; Ilić, Bojan ; Makarov, S. ; Đorđević, J.; Stevanović, A.; Malešević, A.; Vuković-Gačić, B. M34
3525-Nov-2021Defensive secretions of millipedes Megaphyllum unilineatum (C. L. Koch, 1838), Pachyiulus hungaricus (Karsch, 1881) and Cylindroiulus boleti (C. L. Koch, 1847) (Diplopoda, Julida) as antimicrobial agents in the inhibition of biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and Staphylococcus aureusĐorđević, J.; Stevanović, A.; Malešević, A.; Vuković-Gačić, B. ; Milovanović, J. ; Ilić, Bojan ; Makarov, S. M34
367-Oct-2021Morphological integration of the head capsule in the millipede 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘮 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘮 (C. L. Koch, 1838) (Diplopoda: Julida): can different modules be recognized?Vujić, Vukica ; Ilić, Bojan ; Lučić, Luka ; Tomić, Vladimir ; Jovanović, Zvezdana ; Pavković-Lučić, Sofija ; Makarov, Slobodan M21
3730-Sep-2021Review of Trachysphaera Heller, 1858 (Diplopoda: Glomerida: Glomeridae) in Serbia, with taxonomic notes on the genus.Antić, D. ; Šević, M. ; Macek, O.; Akkari, N.M23
38Sep-2021A new cave-dwelling centipede species from Croatia (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae)Stojanović, D. ; Antić, D. ; Makarov, S. M23
3920-Jul-2021Differences between antioxidant defense parameters and specific trace element concentrations in healthy, benign, and malignant brain tissuesBorković-Mitić, Slavica; Stojsavljević, Aleksandar; Vujotić, Ljiljana; Matić, Siniša; Mitić, Bojan ; Manojlović, Dragan; Pavlović, SlađanM21
4013-Jul-2021The millipede genera Amblyiulus Silvestri, 1896 and Syrioiulus Verhoeff, 1914 in the Caucasus, with notes on their distributions (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae)Evsyukov, Aleksandr; Golovatch, Sergei; Antić, Dragan M22
411-Jul-2021Non-Systemic Metamorphosis in Callipodida (Myriapoda, Diplopoda): the Case of an Endemic Balkan Millipede Apfelbeckia insculpta (L. Koch, 1867)Ilić, Bojan ; Milovanović, Jelena ; Vujić, Vukica ; Jovanović, Zvezdana ; Tomić, Vladimir ; Lučić, Luka ; Makarov, Slobodan. M34
421-Jul-2021Testing the Hypothesis of Modularity on Head Capsule in Millipede 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘮 𝘣𝘰𝘴𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 (Verhoeff, 1897) (Diplopoda: Julida)Vujić, Vukica ; Jovanović, Zvezdana ; Ilić, Bojan ; Lučić, Luka ; Dudić, Boris ; Pavković-Lučić, Sofija ; Makarov, Slobodan M34
4326-Jun-2021Roncus sutikvae sp.n. (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae), a new epigean pseudoscorpion from central Dalmatia (Croatia)Ćurčić, B. P. M.; Rađa, T.; Dimitrijević, Rajko ; Vesović, Nikola ; Ćurčić, N.; Ćurčić, Srećko M23
4415-Jun-2021The effect of new natural long-chain fatty acid esters from millipede defensive secretion on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in a cell-free model system. Redox Biology in the 21 st Century: A New Scientific DisciplineMilovanović, J. ; Divac Rankov, A.; Radulović, N.; Mladenović, M.; Ilić, B. ; Makarov, S. M34
4523-Apr-2021Cave-adapted campodeids (Hexapoda, Diplura, Campodeidae) from the Dinarides and adjacent karst regionsSendra, A.; Borko, Š.; Jiménez-Valverde, A.; Selfa, J.; Lukić, M.; Miculinić, K.; Rađa T.; Antić, D, M23
4615-Apr-2021Morphological integration of head capsule in millipede 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘮 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘮 (C. L. Koch, 1838) (Diplopoda: Julida) during ontogenyVujić, Vukica ; Lučić, Luka ; Ilić, Bojan ; Pavković-Lučić, Sofija ; Tomić, Vladimir ; Makarov, Slobodan M34
4715-Apr-2021Morphological intersexual differences in the Balkan endemite Apfelbeckia insculpta (L. Koch, 1867) (Diplopoda, Callipodida) during ontogenyIlić, Bojan ; Vujić, Vukica ; Milovanović, Jelena ; Dudić, Boris ; Tomić, Vladimir ; Lučić, Luka ; Makarov, Slobodan M34
4815-Jan-2021Macedomeris, a new monotypic doderiinine genus (Diplopoda, Glomerida) from a cave in North Macedonia, Balkan PeninsulaAntić, Dragan ; Makarov, Slobodan M23
492021Two thousand “leagues” underground – A new world record from the CaucasusAntić, Dragan M66a
502021Roncus ladestani sp. n. and Roncus pecmliniensis sp. n., two new Pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae) from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, respectivelyĆurčić, B. P. M.; Rađa, T.; Dimitrijević, Rajko ; Ćurčić, N. B.; Ćurčić, Srećko M23