Browsing by Subject temperature

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
Oct-2020Cold-induced beigeing of stem cell-derived adipocytes is not fully reversible after return to normothermiaLugo Leija, Hilda Anaid; Veličković, Ksenija ; Bloor, Ian; Sacks, Harold; Symonds, Michael E; Sottile, VirginieM22
1-Dec-2012Conservation biology: The need for multidisciplinary approachesNovičič, Zorana Kurbalija; Pertoldi, Cino; Randi, Ettore; Kristensen, Torsten Nygaard; Santos, Mauro; Milankov, Vesna; Stamenković Radak, Marina ; Andjelkovic, Marko
1-Dec-1991Thermal modulation of plant cell membrane transport and the role of waterAndjus, P. R. ; Vucelic, D.