Browsing by Subject Rutin
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank |
Jun-2022 | A new step on the chemical profiles and pharmacological effects of three Scorzonera species (S. hieraciifolia, S. hispanica and S. Tomentosa) | Gunes, Ak; Gokhan, Zengin; Dall’Acqua, Stefano; Ferrarese, Irene; Sut, Stefania; Glamočlija, Jasmina; Soković, Marina; Nenadić, Marija ; Chiavaroli, Annalisa; Recinella, Lucia; Leone, Sheila; Orlando, Giustino; Menghini, Luigi; Ferrante, Claudio. | M22 |
21-Mar-2022 | Polyphenols as inhibitors of antibiotic resistant bacteria - mechanisms underlying rutin interference with bacterial virulence | Ivanov, M.; Novović, K.; Malešević, M.; Dinić, M.; Stojković, D.; Jovčić, B. ; Soković, M. | M21 |