Browsing by Subject Poly(methacrylic acid)

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
11-Nov-2022Poly (methacrylic acid)/gelatin interpenetrating network hydrogels reinforced by nano-structured hydroxyapatite particles—improved drug delivery systemsUgrinović, Vukašin; Milutinović, Milica; Božić, Bojan ; Petrović, Rada; Janaćković, Đorđe; Panić, Vesna; Veljović, ĐorđeM22
14-Dec-2021Strong and tough, pH sensible, interpenetrating network hydrogels based on gelatin and poly(methacrylic acid)Ugrinović, V.; Panić, V.; Spasojević, P.; Seslija, S.; Božić, B. ; Petrović, R.; Janacković, Đ.; Veljović, Đ.M22