Browsing by Subject Pistia stratiotes;

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
2024New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 18Tomović, Gordana ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Stoykov, D.; Niketić, M.; Boycheva, P.; Kaschieva, M.; Vidaković, D.; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Đorđević, Vladan ; Krdžić, S.; Škondrić, S.; Knežević, J.; Perić, R.; Assyov, B.; Jenačković Gocić, D.; Raca, I.; Šovran, Sanja ; Popović, Slađana ; Frink, J. P.; Sass-Gyarmati, A.; Ștefănuţ, M.M.; Sabovljević, Aneta M23