Browsing by Subject Cranium shape

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1-Apr-2013Is mitochondrial DNA divergence of Near Eastern crested newts (Triturus karelinii group) reflected by differentiation of skull shape?Ivanović, Ana ; Üzüm, Nazan; Wielstra, Ben; Olgun, Kurtuluş; Litvinchuk, Spartak; Kalezić, Miloš; Arntzen, Jan
1-Aug-2012Variation in the cranium shape of wall lizards (Podarcis spp.): Effects of phylogenetic constraints, allometric constraints and ecologyUrošević, Aleksandar; Ljubisavljević, Katarina; Jelić, Dušan; Ivanović, Ana