Browsing by Subject Biocide

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1-Jan-2014Antifungal activity of selected essential oils and biocide benzalkonium chloride against the fungi isolated from cultural heritage objectsStupar, Miloš ; Ljaljević Grbić, Milica ; Džamić, Ana ; Unković, Nikola ; Ristić, Mihailo; Jelikić, Aleksa; Vukojević, Jelena M22
Jul-2014A sub-aerial biofilms investigation and new approach in biocide application in cultural heritage conservation: Holy Virgin Church (Gradac Monastery, Serbia)Stupar, Miloš ; Grbić, Milica Ljaljević; Simić, Gordana Subakov; Jelikić, Aleksa; Vukojević, Jelena ; Sabovljević, Marko