Browsing by Author Zlatković, Dragan

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
2016Immunomodulatory pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the liverwort Porella cordaeana (Porellaceae): the “new old” furanopinguisanol and its oxidation product exert mutually different effects on rat splenocytesRadulović, Niko; Filipović, Sonja; Zlatković, Dragan; Đorđević, Miljana; Stojanović, Nikola; Ranđelović, Pavle; Mitić, Katarina ; Jevtović-Stoimenov, Tatjana; Ranđelović, VladimirM21
25-Sep-2014Synthesis, spectral characterization, cytotoxicity and enzyme-inhibiting activity of new ferrocene–indole hybridsRadulović, Niko; Zlatković, Dragan; Mitić, Katarina ; Randjelović, Pavle; Stojanović, NikolaM22