Browsing by Author Sieglaff, D.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
2017Effects of TLX/NR2E1 ligands on gene expression in Glioblastoma cell lineČvoro, A. ; Benod, C.; Sieglaff, D.; Jones, P.; Webb, P.; Pownall, H.M34
2011A peroxisome proliferator activated receptor g (PPARg) coactivator 1b autoregulatory loop in adipocyte mitochondrial biogenesisDeng, T.; Sieglaff, D.; Zhang, A.; Lyon, C.; Ayers, S.; Čvoro, A. ; Xia, X.; Baxter, J.D.; Webb, P.; Hsueh, W.A.M34
2011SIRT1 regulates the function of thyroid hormone receptor b1 through direct deacetylationSuh, J.H.; Čvoro, A. ; Sieglaff, D.; Baxter, J.D.; Webb, P.M34
2012Understanding mechanistic differences between thyroid hormone receptor α and β isoforms: use of domain swap chymerasTogashi, M.; Čvoro, A. ; Soares, R.G.P.; Campos, G.O.; Sieglaff, D.; Webb, P.M34