Browsing by Author Mihajlović Srejić, M.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
2-Oct-2024Comparison of length and sequence variation of 23 autosomal STR markers in Serbian populationTanasić, V.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Radojičić, V.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan M64
6-Oct-2023Comparison of two methods for DNA extraction from formalin fixed and paraffin- embeded tissuesMihajlović Srejić, M.; Tanasić, V.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan M64
2-Oct-2024Genetic analysis of X-chromosomal short tandem repeat (X-STR) allele and haplotype frequencies in Serbian male populationVezmar, N.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Tanasić, V.; Vuković, M.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan M64
2-Oct-2024The genetic variability of Roma population in SerbiaKeckarević-Marković, Milica ; Tanasićc, V.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Vuković, M.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan M62
9-Sep-2024Genetic variability of Roma population in Serbia: The Perspective FromAutosomal STR MarkersTanasić, V.; Vuković, M.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Keckarević, Dušan M34
6-Oct-2023Novel multiplex SnaPShot reaction designed for detection of eight founder mutation associated with single-gene disorders in Serbian Roma populationTanasić, V.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Mladenović, J.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Keckarević, Dušan M64
9-Sep-2024Phylogeography of Y-chromosome haplogroup I-P37.2 in Serbian population groups originating from the Balkan PeninsulaMihajlović Srejić, M.; Tanasić, V.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan M34
2-Oct-2024Y- chromosomal landscape in Serbian population groups originating from historically and geographically significant distinct parts of the Balkan PeninsulaMihajlović Srejić, M.; Tanasić, V.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan M64